DeLaval cleaning units

DeLaval cleaning unit C100E

Although more basic than the C200, this unit automatically takes care of cleaning your milking plant and is easy to use. The all-inone unit is easy to install and keeps your milk room looking neat. The C100E is available as a stand-alone unit requiring a separate wash trough, or with an integrated container. The latter unit is equipped with heating elements and is available with 40 litre, 80 litre or 160 litre containers

DeLaval cleaning unit C200

Як і всі системи промивки від компанії «ДеЛаваль», система C200 обладнана інтуїтивно зрозумілими сенсорними кнопками керування. Коли операція «успішно» завершується, на світлодіодному дисплеї з'являється відповідне підтвердження. Наприклад, якщо зникло живлення або температура води не відповідає вимогам, система вам про це повідомить.

DeLaval cleaning unit C125

Designed to handle large dairies, the unit is electronically controlled, providing a cleaning system that can be customized to the exact requirements of your milking system.

DeLaval cluster cleaner WA2

This time saving tool for bucket milking systems efficiently cleans milking cluster’s internal parts. It can handle up to three clusters at once, cleans better than hand washing and is driven by the vacuum system. Easy installation and reliable performance.

DeLaval cleaning unit C425

The most advanced cleaning unit from DeLaval, which is supplied for very large plant such as DeLaval rotary PR3100. It’s a modular unit with many features to cope with large milking plant milk room set ups. It provides full-fledge functionalities to optimise water consumption and plant cleaning. Can be supplied with balance tank as milk receiver and wash tank or wash tank configurations. This fully programmable and bus connected unit is electronically controlled, to provide top notch cleaning system that meets your large milking plant requirements up to 110 milking points and more. A wide range of accessories are available for the C425 such as multiple temperature and balance tank level control by transducer sensor, free for any moving part.

DeLaval cleaning unit C50

Takes care of cleaning in small and mid-sized installations. It is easy to install and operate. It can be used with any available wash trough. Just fill the detergent container with powder or liquid, push the start button and the cleaning process begins.
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