Доїльні пункти

Complete milking control at the push of a button

DeLaval MP400

A two-button electronically programmable automatic cluster remover, protected in aluminium casing for quiet, reliable operation. Designed for one-handed operation. ComfortStart is a standard feature – just lift the cluster and attach it. Flow controlled, MP400 incorporates a milking vacuum release delay to suit the operator. It is also available with Duovac™ flow controlled milking to stimulate the udder for a safe milking process. Options include: remote cleaning. You can prepare one side of the parlour for cleaning while milking on the other side, and trigger the release remotely. It can be fitted with lightweight Harmony™ or Harmony Plus™ clusters and DeLaval FI2 or FI7, or DeLaval MM27. MP400 is suitable for new installations or existing parlour upgrades. It comes all-in-one box for quick, easy installation with minimum disruption.

DeLaval MP580

Used as an integrated stand alone automatic cluster remover, this offers you efficient, simple and fast milking operation. The unit monitors milk yield, provides remote gate operation and indicates abnormal air entry into the cluster, when it is combined with DeLaval flow indicator FI7. With MM27BC and connection to DeLaval ALPRO™, MP580 supplies even more. It detects traces of blood and abnormal milk-out, and provides ICAR approved yield measurement and milk conductivity level, and records that data in the herd management software. DeLaval MP580 makes the link to DeLaval ™ and helps you to better manage your herd. You benefit from the interactive user interface, clear information such as “Don’t milk” or “Dump milk”, and it enables sorting of a cow from any milking point.

Управління процесом доїння

Контролер доїльного місця МРС680 розроблений компанією «ДеЛаваль», забезпечує повний контроль процесу доїння за допомогою всього лиш одного натискання кнопки.

DeLaval MP780

Created to give you full control over information on every cow. This superior streamlined milking point for full herd management can connect to ALPRO™ to give the milker access to all cow data. You can see and set the information such as treatment flags or “sort cow” on the spot. No need to go and change the status in the management program afterwards. DeLaval MP780 gives full MP680 functionalities housed in a sleek, vertical, stainless steel cabinet for trouble-free operation and easy cleaning; and the quiet environment reduces milking stress for cows and milkers and allows faster milking routines. DeLaval MP780 is suitable for new installations or existing parlour upgrades, and comes pre-assembled for fast and easy installation with minimal production disturbance.

DeLaval MP170

A simple first step to Herd management. Being the smarter brother of MP150, this MP will not only save you time and prevent over-milking. It’s the way to collect yields and cow number and built an accurate database to help you managing your herd in a simple way using DelPro herd management software. This is not just a take off unit since it will give the milker herd related information. Sometimes less is more, the milker can easily relate to a few key functionalities instead of being confronted with more complex MP. Although its design looks simple, the MP170 offers many useful features that help managing your herd such as sorting a cow on spot when she leaves the parlour. MP170 together with Animal identification and Flow indication (FI7) or milk metering (MM27BC) ensures that you know which of your cows are producing best and can act quickly at any yield drop.

DeLaval MP110

Offers cost effective automation – whether milking 100 or 10 000 cows.

Контролер доїльного місця МР150

Контролер доїльного місця МР150, розроблений компанією «ДеЛаваль», забезпечує повний контроль процесу доїння за допомогою всього лише одного натисканням кнопки. Проста конструкція, одна кнопка інтегрована в компактний та вологозахищений корпус, виконаний для важких умов роботи. Контролює весь процес доїння, рівень вакууму, автоматичне зняття підвісної частини. Використовується з датчиками потоку молока.

DeLaval MP130

Has a full range of take off functions for fine-tuning the milking session: for milk-out based on individual flows, or to maximize parlour throughput.
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