ДеЛаваль Догляд за копитами

ДеЛаваль Догляд за копитами
Є багато простих рішень, щоб збільшити довголіття вашої корови. Ми маємо компетенцію в догляді за копитами та можемо підтримати та порадити вам рішення для конкретних умов ферми.
- Чисті, сухі та рівні алеї
- Зручне, гігієнічне місце відпочинку
- Омивання копит та обробка розчином

Покриття для проходів R18P від компанії «ДеЛаваль»
Немає жодного секрету в тому, як зробити зручнішою підлогу у проходах на Вашій фермі . Завдяки мозаїчному мату з елементів, що з'єднуються між собою, пружне гумове підлогове покриття від компанії «ДеЛаваль» можна укладати в будь-яких відкритих проходах. Ви побачите різницю, коли ваші корови почнуть ходити широкими, впевненими кроками. Корів, у яких розпочалася тічка, легше відстежити, коли їм зручніше рухатися

Преміальний гумовий мат ДеЛаваль RM37F
DeLaval premium rubber mat RM37F offers a comfortable, non-slippery, and hygienic mat for resting areas in loose house barns. A triangle pattern in the front and a flat part in the rear ensure a non-slippery and easy to keep clean surface. With it´s integrated 25mm layer of foiled foam underneath the whole bottom of the resting area the RM37F gives high compression and comfort for the cows.

Стійловий каракас ДеЛаваль
Is strong barriers that together creates a rigid cubicle frame for deep bedding. A front barrier that also acts as a brisket board A back barrier holds the bedding material and act as wall to the alley Solution to the DeLaval Comfort bed DB together with Flexible cubicle divider FCD and Sand stabilizer DSS11

Стабілізатор піску ДеЛаваль DSS11
DeLaval Sand Stabilizer DSS11 provides excellent cow comfort and improves hygiene. The best way to create a good resting space is to imitate natural resting of the cows. With deep bedding you can come close to this and by using the sand stabilizer you avoid getting sand into your alleys and minimize wear of your equipment.

V-лопатевий ланцюг
This blade design is ideal for large volumes of manure, especially with straw bedding. The V formation gathers the manure cleanly and keeps pushing big loads forward, without spilling any back into the clean alley. Available with changeable blades: urethan blades with rubber mats, metal blades with concreate or Hardox-metal blades to tough condititions.

Ланцюг з прямими ножами
Straight blades offer a simply efficient scraper to clean away all types of manure and bedding. Depending on the kind of scraper, blades can cover alley widths from 1.2 to 5.2 meters. Blades are adaptable to the type of barn flooring: concrete, rubber, slatted or slopped floors. They are made of steel or plastic – plastic blades are designed to run better on rubber flooring. Besides cow-comfort features, they also take into consideration your needs and conveniently fold into a narrow shape, for example to let a tractor pass by in the alley.

Ланцюгова скреперна система збирання гною AKD 80-140 компанії ДеЛаваль
Компанія ДеЛаваль представляє на ринку обладнання для молочно-товарних ферм – нову ланцюгову скреперну систему гноєвидалення. Компанія ДеЛаваль, маючи багаторічний досвід роботи з молочно-товарними фермами в усьому світі, пропонує ще одне рішення для цієї проблеми – нову ланцюгову скреперну систему збирання гною AKD 80-140 компанії ДеЛаваль.

Сенсорний блок управління ДеЛаваль AKD
This simple touch screen control box makes manure handling simple and easy. Fully automated system includes advanced cow safety function and with this control box there is easy way to change schedule or start extra run. One master control box can handle one drive unit directly and another drive unit via slave contol box. Also second slave control box is able to add to the same system for cable gutter cleaner CCS70.

Системний контролер ДеЛаваль Barn BSC очищення ланцюга
This is an integrated controller for all parts of your manure-handling system. Simple, touchpad controls let you program your manure-handling system to suit your specific barn layout. The ability to control several alleys at once and to have your system adapt to different weather conditions with cowfriendly operating programs, makes the BSC a reliable assistant for your scraper cleaning solution. With this same control box you can handle also natural ventilation systems, cow cooling systems and illumination.

Базове очищення ланцюга CB
A simple control box allows easy and programmable operation, while providing a diligent cow safety system. According to your instructions, a control box manages the entire scraper system for you. Automation saves your time and puts you in control of your cleaning routines. There are programs for customised scraping cycles, intelligent obstacle detection and current monitoring to prevent motor overload.

DeLaval comfort control
With DeLaval comfort control you can control your entire scraper system from a single box. Equipped with out latest innovations, DeLaval comfort control is easily programmable from the 4.5" touch screen and includes a host of features designed to streamline your cleaning processes. Featuring a smart obstacle detection system, the scraper stops when obstructed, giving you a smart solution that is safe for your herd and your workers. With the addition of adaptive scraping DeLaval comfort control creates the optimal cleaning schedule that learns and improves the system's efficiency each and every time the scraper is deployed.

Кабель з прямими ножами
Straight blades offer a simply efficient scraper to clean away all types of manure and bedding. Depending on the kind of scraper, blades can cover alley widths from 1.2 to 5.2 metres. Blades are adaptable to the type of barn flooring: concrete, rubber, slatted or slopped floors. They are made of steel or plastic – plastic blades are designed to run better on rubber flooring. Besides cow-comfort features, they also take into consideration your needs and conveniently fold into a narrow shape, for example to let a tractor pass by in the alley.

V-лопастний кабель
This blade design is ideal for large volumes of manure, especially with straw bedding. The V formation gathers the manure cleanly and keeps pushing big loads forward, without spilling any back into the clean alley. Available with changeable blades: urethan blades with rubber mats, metal blades with concreate or Hardox-metal blades to tough condititions.

Основний кабель CB
A simple control box allows easy and programmable operation, while providing a diligent cow safety system. According to your instructions, a control box manages the entire scraper system for you. Automation saves your time and puts you in control of your cleaning routines. There are programs for customised scraping cycles, intelligent obstacle detection and current monitoring to prevent motor overload.

Кабель BSC контролера системи ДеЛаваль Barn
This is an integrated controller for all parts of your manure-handling and cow cooling system. Simple, touchpad controls let you program your system to suit your specific barn layout. The ability to control several manure systems at once makes it close to unique, and to have the system adapt to different weather conditions with cow friendly operating programs. It makes the BSC a reliable assistant for your scraper cleaning solution and cow cooling system.

Гідравлічні скрепери DW і DWV компанії ДеЛаваль
Robustly constructed with an animal-friendly design, these manure scrapers can handle solid manure with long straw and liquid manure. Floating blades and side wings provide excellent cleaning for optimal animal hygiene. A heavy-duty central body with the step mechanism makes operation safe.

Гідравлічний транспортер ACH для прибирання проходів компанії «ДеЛаваль»
Big on performance, low on maintenance. It does the dirty work all day long without needing your attention and is designed to update DM and DML systems. The cow-friendly features and cleaning ability are boosted with the smooth performance of a hydraulic drive unit. It keeps alleys clean and dry, without stressing your cows.

Контролер ДеЛаваль BSC
This is an integrated controller for all parts of your manure-handling system. Simple, touchpad controls let you program your manure-handling system to suit your specific barn layout. The ability to control several alleys at once and to have your system adapt to different weather conditions with cowfriendly operating programs, makes the BSC a reliable assistant for your scraper cleaning solution. With this same control box you can handle also natural ventilation systems, cow cooling systems and illumination.

DeLaval control box BH1
This is the basic control box in the DeLaval assortment, designed to control hydraulic gutter and alley manure removal systems. It is suitable for systems with a single power pack, where one hydraulic cylinder, or a group of cylinders, run in parallel or serially. The control box requires manual start and shut-off and supervised operation.

Блок управління ДеЛаваль BH2
Offers semi-automatic control of hydraulic gutter and alley manure removal systems. This control box can handle up to four cylinders, or groups of cylinders, running in parallel or serially. Every cylinder, or cylinder group, is started manually and can be shut off either manually or automatically by using the end switch.