Could a retrofit be the right fit for you?
Expansion could be possible with what you already have
Almost everyone is thinking about how to expand their business, or at least increase profitability one way or another, and for many dairy farmers with both large and small herds, retrofitting is a popular solution. Retrofitting a dairy barn for the addition of DeLaval VMS™ Series or DeLaval parlor milking system P500 can make upgrades more affordable than they would be when building new.
Learn what types of physical and operational changes you can expect when considering a retrofit dairy facility.
Learn more about what the DeLaval VMS™ Series or DeLaval parlor milking system P500 could do for your farm.
Tour the retrofit VMS V300 facility at Darita Holsteins

DeLaval parlor milking system P500
Thinking about retrofitting? Let us help!
Discuss planning & budgeting aspects of a retrofit with a DeLaval expert.