Охлаждение молока для DeLaval VMS™

DeLaval flow controlled cooling FCC
This unique cooling solution for DeLaval voluntary milking system VMS® is based on our patented concept of flow controlled cooling. DeLaval VMS® notifies the cooling tank of the volume of milk delivered to it, on a real time basis. The tank then adjusts its cooling capacity to suit that milk volume.

DeLaval buffer tank DBV
This solution can coop with higher volumes of milk per hour and has also the opportunity to cool down the milk in the buffer tank, before entering the main milk storage tank by grafity.

DeLaval buffer vessel BVV
This new buffering solution for VMS® is designed to accept milk from your VMS® while your cooling tank is being emptied and cleaned. It enables your VMS® to run 24/7, so your cows are not kept waiting for an hour or more while the VMS® is idle. The idea is simple; the new design is cost-effective and clever.