Slaukšanas vieta
DeLaval slaukšanas vietu kontrolierīces piedāvā pilnīgu slaukšanas kontroli, tikai nospiežot pogu. Efektīva slaukšana ietver labu pirmsslaukšanas stimulāciju, ziņošanu par problemātiskajiem notikumiem, piemēram, starplikas izslīdēšanu un slaukšanu, un konsekventu precīzu ķekaru noņemšanu katrā slaukšanas vietā. DeLaval slaukšanas punkti nodrošina ērtas, bet racionālas rutīnas ar lielu govju plūsmu, kontrolē tesmeņa veselību, pilnībā izvadot pienu ātri, un tiem ir labi redzami statusa indikatori, lai vienā mirklī nodrošinātu pilnīgu slaukšanas kontroli.

Slaukšanas aparāts MP400
A two-button electronically programmable automatic cluster remover, protected in aluminium casing for quiet, reliable operation. Designed for one-handed operation. ComfortStart is a standard feature – just lift the cluster and attach it. Flow controlled, MP400 incorporates a milking vacuum release delay to suit the operator. It is also available with Duovac™ flow controlled milking to stimulate the udder for a safe milking process. Options include: remote cleaning. You can prepare one side of the parlour for cleaning while milking on the other side, and trigger the release remotely. It can be fitted with lightweight Harmony™ or Harmony Plus™ clusters and DeLaval FI2 or FI7, or DeLaval MM27. MP400 is suitable for new installations or existing parlour upgrades. It comes all-in-one box for quick, easy installation with minimum disruption.
Automātiska noņemšana
Signalizācijas lampiņa
Manuālas vadības iespēja
DeLaval MP580
Used as an integrated stand alone automatic cluster remover, this offers you efficient, simple and fast milking operation. The unit monitors milk yield, provides remote gate operation and indicates abnormal air entry into the cluster, when it is combined with DeLaval flow indicator FI7. With MM27BC and connection to DeLaval ALPRO™, MP580 supplies even more. It detects traces of blood and abnormal milk-out, and provides ICAR approved yield measurement and milk conductivity level, and records that data in the herd management software. DeLaval MP580 makes the link to DeLaval ™ and helps you to better manage your herd. You benefit from the interactive user interface, clear information such as “Don’t milk” or “Dump milk”, and it enables sorting of a cow from any milking point.

DeLaval MP680
This is the premium parlour user interface with DeLaval ALPRO™ herd management system which gives you full remote control of all other milking points. It is designed to run around the clock and to help you maximize production with a consistent, efficient milking routine. It offers all the functionality of DeLaval MP580, controlling the milking point for smooth milking and recording milk yield, and much more. It delivers more information and clearer alerts, e.g. feed alarm and ration or cow treatments, and enables many more active inputs on all milking points to parlour operations or into the ALPRO™ software. It combines well with DeLaval MP580.