
よりスマートに、無理のない搾乳を実現:VMS™バッチミルキングは、1 日に 2 回、3 回、または 4 回搾乳する場合でも、より大規模な牛群の搾乳に効率的なソリューションです。









こちらの動画は、デンマークでバッチミルキングを導入した「Lønholm Agro牧場」の実際の搾乳の様子です。すべての牛が自然にVMS™V300へ入場していることが良くわかります。







How does the VMS Batch Milking process work?

  1. 牛はまず、泌乳段階や生産レベル、給餌方法などに基づいてグループに分けられます。
  2. これらのグループは、中央の収容エリアを含む並列パーラーに似たレイアウトで配置された複数のVMS™がある搾乳室に移動します。
  3. 各グループの牛は、VMS™で同時に搾乳されます。
  4. 搾乳後、牛はセレクション(選択)ゲートを通って出ていき、健康状態による選別エリア、収容ペン、元のペン、または次の放牧エリアなど、適切なエリアに誘導されます。
  5. 各バッチミルキングの終了後、機器は自動的に洗浄および消毒を行い、高い生乳品質を維持します。
  6. このプロセスが次の牛群で繰り返されます。牧場は、既存のルーチンと給餌方法を維持しつつも、搾乳の自動化が可能になります。牛は1日に2回、3回で、定時搾乳が可能になります。















Società Agricola F.lli Aceto

イタリア・カラブリア州にある「Società Agricola F.lli Aceto」のオーナーの 1 人であるRenato Aceto氏は、VMS™V300によるバッチミルキングへの移行を決めました。
その理由を次のように説明しています。「私たちは既成概念にとらわれずに考え、この革新的なシステムを導入しました」。最初は VMS™V300への切り替えに不安を感じていましたが、すぐにその不安は杞憂であることがわかりました。最終的に、システムの使いやすさ、成長の可能性、既存の飼料の受け取りを維持できることで価値を享受しました。8 台の VMS™V300を導入し、わずか3年で480 頭以上の規模拡大をする準備が整いました。

How is it different from traditional VMS setups, parlours, and rotary systems?

Traditional AMS/VMS setups

Unlike traditional AMS/VMS setups, where cows have free access to robots and choose their own milking times, VMS batch milking operates on a fixed schedule. This approach brings cows to the milking area in groups, streamlining the milking process and enhancing efficiency, particularly for medium to large-sized farms.

If you view traditional AMS setups as the preferred alternative, then consider these VMS batch milking benefits:

  • Maintain cost-efficient TMR feeding while milking automatically.
  • Achieve separation of cows and milk separation in one place.
  • Pens remain empty during bedding management.
  • No cows need to be fetched between milkings. In free cow traffic systems, 5- 10% of cows often need to be fetched for milking at least twice a day.
  • There’s no need for 24/7 backup to manage alarms.
  • It’s not critical if one of the stations stops working, as you have multiple other stations in the same batch. 

Parlour and rotary systems

While traditional parlours and rotary systems follow a schedule, they often require more manual labour for tasks like attaching milking units. VMS batch milking provides higher levels of automation and data collection, enabling better herd health monitoring and udder health management for informed decision-making.

If you use parlour or rotary milking, then consider the following advantages of batch milking:

  • You continue managing and feeding your cows as you do today; you just milk automatically.
  •  Automatic milking provides a consistent routine, eliminating the need to train new employees.
  • Calmer cows result from a less stressful milking environment.
  • It is easy to expand or upgrade the robots to newer models in the future.
  • You optimise capital investment, milking almost double the number of cows per hour per bail/robot compared to parlour or rotary systems.

Which farms are best suited for VMS batch milking?

As labour costs increase and skilled workers become harder to find, VMS Batch Milking reduces reliance on manual labour, allowing staff to focus on overseeing operations and responding to system notifications rather than performing routine tasks. 

Ideal for farms with 500–2,000 cows

VMS Batch Milking is best suited for medium to large farms with herds of 500 to 2,000 cows. Managing such a large number of cows can be time-consuming and labour-intensive. VMS Batch Milking automates the milking process, saving you time and optimising your resources.

The system provides valuable data to monitor herd health, milk production, and feeding, allowing you to stay on top of your farm’s performance. With VMS Batch Milking, you can boost productivity and manage labour more efficiently. It’s perfect for modernising or expanding your farm and integrates seamlessly with your existing setup.

How many cows can be milked?

The capacity of a VMS batch setup depends on several factors, including the number of VMS stations, the frequency of milking (2, 2.5, or 3 times a day), and the operating hours of the system. Other factors include the milk speed/flow of your cows, the breed of the cows, and how well the operator manages cow flow within the system.

Capacities typically range between 7 and 8.5 cows per hour per station. The number of stations required in the setup also depends on the group sizes in the barn.

What does a VMS batch milking set-up look like?

The design of VMS batch milking setups can vary greatly. Some farms opt for cost-effective configurations, while others prioritise high-efficiency systems. The flexibility of VMS systems makes them adaptable to farms of various sizes, provided that careful planning and design are undertaken.

A well-designed VMS batch milking setup aims to balance efficiency and flexibility. Typically, this includes holding areas ranging from 5.5 to 7.2 metres in width, equipped with automatic or manual gates to manage cow traffic effectively.

Farms can implement different layouts based on specific needs. For example:

• Narrow holding area with backing gate: One farm with 14 VMS units uses a narrower holding area with a backing gate for cleaning. In this setup, cows enter from one side and exit from the other, which helps streamline the milking process.

• Crowd gate: Some farms use a crowd gate to manage cow flow. However, this can sometimes limit milking opportunities by restricting cow access to the robots. Well-organised holding areas can often eliminate the need for crowd gates, ensuring a smoother and more efficient operation.

Robert Jensen, Batch Milking Specialist at DeLaval, shares his knowledge and insights about this topic. 

"As herd sizes grow, factors like simplicity, predictability, and operational efficiency become increasingly important, and this is where VMS batch milking excels."