
DeLaval VMS™ Series

Sistema Automatico di Mungitura VMS™

I sistemi di mungitura automatica VMS™ serie V300 di DeLaval ti danno di più. DeLaval VMS™ è progettato per fornire latte di migliore qualità, animali più sani e maggiore libertà per te.

Inizia il tuo piano

Lasciati aiutare a pianificare un sistema che funzioni per te, nel modo in cui desideri tu. Ora e in futuro.

Siamo qui per aiutarti.

L'Azienda a Modo Tuo

Mungitura a Batch o Volontaria, 24/7 o due volte al giorno, pascolo o stalla; tu decidi. È la tua azienda e solo tu sai cosa funziona meglio per le tue necessità e i tuoi animali.

Semplice, design aperto

Free traffic

Se si ha la manodopera per recuperare le vacche, un sistema a traffico libero è l'ideale per l'installazione in stalle già esistenti e per la maggiore libertà alle vacche. I nostri team di pianificazione DeLaval ti supporteranno nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi di prestazioni dei robot, bilanciando la produttività dei robot con la PMR e offrendo indicazioni sul layout ottimale per le opzioni di separazione e selezione post-mungitura.

Milk First™ o modificato

Traffico Guidato

Il traffico guidato riduce la necessità e la manodopera per andare a recuperare le vacche. I nostri team di consulenza e pianificazione DeLaval ti aiuteranno a riadattare o progettare una nuova stalla per ottimizzare il tuo VMS™, sia installando cancelli automatici per indirizzare il traffico verso il VMS™ sia fornendo opzioni di gestione dell'alimentazione e separazione post-mungitura.

Mantinei la tua stalla convenzionale

VMS™ Batch Milking

The VMS Batch Milking system replaces manual milking with automation. It includes a sort pen, shared group pens, and positions the VMS machines in the centre, in a designated milking area. VMS ensures consistent milking, collects data, and can milk up to 8 cows per hour.

Libertà di flessibilità

È tutta una questione di flessibilità. La serie VMS™ V300 è costituita da sistemi di mungitura automatizzati che è possibile configurare per funzionare in base alle proprie preferenze. Traffico libero, Feed FirstTM, Milk FirstTM o VMSTM Batch Milking: configuralo come preferisci e adattalo alle tue esigenze specifiche.

Key features

Capable of doing more, the DeLaval VMS™ V300 series helps you understand, act and customise the milking process to fit your and your cows needs.


Numbers that speak volumes

Designed to deliver more efficient, precise and profitable milking—with results to back it up.


Teat spray hit rate***

2658 kg/day

with 2h01m idle time*

Idle time based on max 21h milking per day

2.2 kg/min

Harvest rate**

Measured time from cow identification until exit


Improvement in insemination rate****

14.5 kg

Up to 14.5 kg/milking with 2.5 milkings**


Cows per station*

Which VMS™ is right for you?

We have different options in our milking robot series to help you get the maximum potential. Which robot suits you best?


VMS™ V300

More flexibility and freedom thanks to one of our most advanced milking systems to date. VMS™ V300 includes:

  • DeLaval InControl™
  • DeLaval InSight™
  • DeLaval PureFlow™


VMS™ V310

Get even more and turn your milking system into the ultimate reproduction management tool. VMS™ V310 includes:

  • DeLaval InControl™
  • DeLaval InSight™
  • DeLaval PureFlow™
  • DeLaval RePro™

VMS and Performance Plan

Maximise your automated milking system with a Performance Plan form DeLaval

DeLaval Plus

Make better decisions with accurate and timely analysis and predictions.

DeLaval Plus and DelProTM FarmManager help you bundle, process and analyze the many data sources on your farm. This allows us to generate valuable information and reports that help with your management.


Create your custom Performance Plan

  • Scheduled servicing and maintenance
  • Emergency callouts
  • Advisory Services
  • Consumables
  • Settings, routines, training and optimisation


Achieve your goals with advice and support.

Our advisors will help you with advice before, during and long after the installation of your DeLaval milk system. They provide support in further optimizing the performance of your installation. Together with you, they can ensure that the results of the milk system are tailored to your needs and circumstances.

Part of the DeLaval ecosystem

From cooling, storing and transporting down to feeding and hygiene products, the VMS™ works together with all parts of the DeLaval ecosystem.


Our feeding solutions offer automated mixing and distribution to help you keep fresh feed in front of your cows at all times.

Teat Dips

Using the right udder hygiene products and tools will help you to maximize the effect of the mastitis prevention program.

Cow Comfort

With our system of cooling we stimulate the cow traffic in the right direction. We keep the cows motivated to eat, milk and rest.

Milk Cooling

From the moment the milk leaves the teat, until the milk truck collects it from the milk tank - we have a complete set of cooling, storage and transport solutions that protect your milk.

Think Big. Think VMS™

Get started with robotic milking, the VMS™ V300 series and Performance Plan from DeLaval. Our specialists are here to help and make sure you succeed.

VMS EMEA Brochure

All about VMS™ and you

Learn all about automated milking systems and benefits behind the VMS™ V300 series.

Get in touch

Take your nest steps to a automated milking system that fits your needs.

* Average result of best performing 500 farms with VMS™.

** Average result of best performing 500 stations with VMS™.

*** Based on test results presented during NMC2021.

**** Based on test results.

Dairy producer testimonials reflect their real-life experience using DeLaval products. Results in testimonials have not been independently verified and DeLaval does not claim the results are typical.

Actual performance and improvement will depend on a number of factors, including prior milking practices, type of cows, farm and herd maintenance practices. Nothing herein constitutes a warranty or guaranty of service of performance.

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