
Alimentadores automáticos de terneras

Alimentadores automáticos de terneras

Alimentador automático de terneras CF1000

La crianza de terneras en grupo alimentadas a través de un alimentador automático es un método más eficiente de crianza. Cada modelo de alimentador permite pre-establecer planes de alimentación teniendo en cuenta el volumen de leche, la concentración de materia seca, cantidad mínimas y máximas de ingestión y suministro de leche fresca o sustituto de leche de acuerdo a la edad de los animales. Todo eso para facilitar el trabajo de rutina y maximizar las ganancias de los animales.

DeLaval calf feeder CF150X

Combining a milk station with a totally integrated concetrate station or with a second milk station. The calf feeder program on DeLaval feeding processor FP204X allows complete feeding plans to be set per group of calves, or for individual calves. Weaning can be done automatically according to concentrate intake. Information from milk and concentrate consumption makes it easy to detect possible health problems before the calves are affected. CF150X allows you to feed your calves cow’s milk, milkreplacer, or a combination of both. Each station can handle up to 25 calves. You can feed more calves by connecting as many as four stations to one FP204X processor, which can then manage up to 100 calves. Several processors can be linked via the PC Link tool, offering the possibility to extend the capacity of the system.

DeLaval concentrate station

By adding DeLaval concentrate stations to your CF1000+ or CF500+ calf feeding system, you can enjoy simple and efficient calf rearing with the automatic weaning function, helping save expensive milk replacer costs. By measuring how much concentrate each calf eats, you have the option of automatically reducing the milk ration for calves that display a high feed intake at a young age.