
Manure & effluents

Manure & effluents

We deliver complete effluent solutions that gives you a reliable state of the art system all the way from the barn to the field

Cleaning Systems

Choose between robotic, hydraulic, chain or cable systems for cleaning your alleys. We have robust and reliable solutions both for solid floor and slatted floor. We plan every cleaning solution according to the customer needs and the barn layout


Choose between hydraulic scrapers, cable system of flush flume to clean your cross channels. We plan your cross channels according to the effluent volume and consistence.


Treatment of the effluent can improve the farm profitability. By separating the effluent you can reduce your ammonia emission and make your transports more efficient. We help you plan your treatment system.


DeLaval has a wide range of pumps and presses to transport your effluent from the pit to the lagoon. Type of pump and motor size is planned according to effluent volumes and head pressure.

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