DeLaval R&D
DeLaval Global R&D
Hamra Farm
Hamra Farm is a centre for DeLaval solutions showcasing, training, research and meetings at Tumba, Sweden. Most importantly, however, it is a commercial farm since 1901.
The farm has approximately 250 milking cows in three different barns that produce milk in both stanchion and loose housing environments. Average milk yield per cow in 2015 was 12,000 litres. The farm consists of 2,880 hectares of land, whereof 825 are arable land.
A meeting place
Modern conference facilities at Hamra Farm provide a venue for sharing dairy farming knowledge. Researchers, students and organisations from near and far come here to share their expertise and experience.
Commercial visits
Hamra Farm attracts some 3,000 visitors from all parts of the world every year. They come to see DeLaval products in action and to improve their skills in dairy farming. In the Exhibition Hall visitors can glimpse the latest in dairy farming technology, while our museum showcases the history of DeLaval and Hamra.
Our visitors include agricultural students, local and national officials and, of course, dairy farmers.
Research at Hamra Farm
Hamra Farm is used as an R&D facility to develop, test and evaluate the DeLaval product assortment.
DeLaval R&D in India
Duovac Technology
In keeping with its working philosophy of constant R&D to meet customer requirements locally, DeLaval has made some unique innovations for Indian dairy farmers. Recognizing the challenges of stimulation while preparing buffaloes for milking in India, DeLaval innovated Duovac technology and specially designed it considering the physiology of Indian buffaloes. This facilitates easy milk let-down, stress-free milking and prevents over-milking.
Unique stalling design for Gir breed Indian cows
Another tailor-made solution DeLaval has developed for India is the unique stalling design for Gir breed Indian cows, that facilitates calf-suckling, which is essential for proper stimulation, prior to milking for this particular breed.
Speedline Parlour
Similarly, Speedline Parlours have been developed to encourage Indian dairy farmers with herd size of 50 – 100 animals, to avail the benefits of modern, mechanized milking systems at easily affordable investment costs. Within a mere 2 years of introduction, DeLaval has already made over 100 Speedline installations.
Specialized Training Programme for Dairy Farmers
DeLaval has also been at the forefront of training dairy farmers. DeLaval regularly conducts a specialized 5 day residential Modern Dairy Management Training Programme for dairy farmers / managers / entrepreneurs. Topics include Feed and Fodder Management, Breeding Concepts, Animal Health Management, Designing and Planning of commercial dairy farm, use of software for accurate analysis, economics of commercial dairy farming and various mechanization solutions available for small and large dairy.