...or our headquarters

Get in touch

Want to get in touch? We'd love to hear from you. Here is how you can reach us...


Gujarat : 9712946485, Rajasthan : 9723467485

Maharashtra and Goa : 9665099390 / 9970006396 / 9752051885

Madhya Pradesh : 9909946487 Chattisgarh : 8600955594


Andhra Pradesh and Telangana : 8600955594

Karnataka and Tamil Nadu : 9652623451

Kerala : 9895703827

Sri Lanka 9665099385


Punjab, Haryana, Jammu Kashmir and Himachal : 74200 86036

New Delhi and NCR : 99099 46487

Uttar Pradesh : 77570 02662 / 99099 46487

Bihar and Jharkhand : 73870 01058


West Bengal, Odisha and Northeast : 73870 01058

Bangladesh : 96650 99385 Nepal : 99099 46487

Business Requirement Request Form

Have any specific business requirements? We would love to hear from you. Simply fill out the contact form below and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you.

Whistleblowing - how to raise a concern

We encourage our staff and external stakeholders of our business to, without risk of being penalised, report actual or suspected breaches of our Code of Business Conduct or any other misconduct or serious inappropriate behaviour. Reporting can be made in writing or verbally through the Whistleblowing Reporting Tool or by email to ethics@delaval.com. Every concern raised will be handled individually and investigated appropriately, depending on its severity. Reporting can be made anonymously. Criminal offences are reported to the relevant authority.

Data protection for whistleblowers

DeLaval collects and processes personal data for the purpose of assessing and processing the reported concern. Further information on data protection and the rights of the individual can be found in the Whistleblowing Privacy Notice.