At the milking point

Ensure efficient milking with our range of milking points, clusters and pulsation, plus original liners and tubes

Milking points

DeLaval milking points deliver finger tip control. Efficient milking includes good pre-milking stimulation, reporting problem events like liner slips and kickoffs, and providing consistent accurate cluster removal at every milking point. DeLaval milking points enable comfortable yet streamlined routines with high cow flow, control udder health by delivering complete fast milk out, and have highly visible status indicators for full parlour control at a glance.


No single cluster can meet all today’s dairy farming needs. That’s why DeLaval offers a wide range of designs, flow capacities, materials, liner assortments, weights and handling characteristics to meet your specific requirements.

Milk meters – optimising herd management for improved daily milk yield, cow health and profitability

DeLaval offers a complete range of ICAR approved milk meters, yield indicators and flow sensors that precisely measure your herd’s day-to-day milk production for optimised milk yield, milk quality, cow health and profitability. By showing you which cows are making you money and which ones are not, DeLaval milk meters deliver you a simple, efficient and accurate monitoring tool providing on the spot information about the health and milk quality of each individual cow.


Pulsation is the heartbeat of the whole milking system. DeLaval has a range of efficient pulsators designed to meet all needs, from the simplest to the most demanding.

View our liners and tubes