Ger & Mary O'Donovan

Ger & Mary O'Donovan
Farm location
Waterford, IrelandHerd size
100“Great make and Swedish made. DeLaval are top class”
Mary & Ger are a mother and son duo from Co.Waterford. The family have been using DeLaval equipment for years – the parlour before this was DeLaval and it was installed in 1975.
“My father was always a DeLaval customer, the dealer is very close so its very handy for us”
Last year the O’Donvans made the decision to invest in a new parlour to encourage the younger generation. They decided on a 16 unit Midiline 2100 with the following features; Cluster removers, indicators, Dumpline, Autowasher, Plate cooler, DeLaval electric feeders, drafting gate and a DeLaval bulk tank and wash unit.
“We did look at other brands before making the decision to go with DeLaval, Service was the big thing and then I just preferred small features DeLaval had that seemed more user friendly and a better finish to the equipment”
“Having everything the tank & parlour all DeLaval is ideal, there’s only one person to contact if I need anything”
The family place high importance on animal welfare and this was very much kept in mind when designing the parlour – its bright and easy access for the cows to enter and exit with lots of space. With this in mind the O’Donovan’s have a very low SCC and recently won a cell check award for being in the top 500 in Ireland.
When asked would they recommend DeLaval equipment to other farmers this was the response:
"100% most definitely. DeLaval are a nice machine to work with and very popular in this area!”