All-new Evanza Milking Cluster Improves Milking Time, Udder Health
“We’ve been on this incredible innovation journey at DeLaval for over 135 years, and we are excited to share this ground-breaking solution,” says Gavin Strang, DeLaval North America Market Development Director. “Evanza is the most efficient cluster we’ve ever developed, which can mean more milk, better udder health and super quick Clover cartridge replacement.”
The Evanza milking cluster is lightweight, with ergonomic grips and excellent weight distribution for easy attachment. It provides up to a 9.3 percent higher milk flow and up to seven percent shorter milking time. It boasts up to 83 percent less slip and has shown up to a 92 percent improvement in teat condition scoring.*
Proprietary technology including DeLaval TopFlow™, DeLaval Turn&Milk™ and incorporation of the DeLaval Clover™ cartridge make these vast improvements possible. TopFlow has been shown to help improve milk flow and udder health.** Turn&Milk is the time-saving feature on the cartridge that allows for a quick and easy exchange. Introduced last year, the Clover cartridge eliminates twisted liners in order to increase milking performance and liner life.
Integrated Robotic and Parlor Solutions at SIMAQ
The DeLaval VMS™ milking series will also be on display at SIMAQ. Announced in fall 2019, the DeLaval VMS V310, features DeLaval InSight™, DeLaval InControl™, DeLaval PureFlow™ and DeLaval RePro™, allowing each cow to be milked according to her needs and capacity, with simultaneous pregnancy checking.
Additionally, find out about the DeLaval solutions that complement robotic milking and bring herd management to your fingertips, including DelPro™ Companion and the OptiDuo™ feed refresher. Round out the system with advisory services and consumables, including the new OceanBlu™ teat dip as part of DeLaval InService™ All-Inclusive.
See the complete milking process of the DeLaval Parlor milking system P500, designed to do more on a smaller footprint. This robust parlor uses DeLaval SynchroArc™, DeLaval SynchroSweep™ and DeLaval SynchroControl™ to make the most of your time and space in the milking parlor.
“We look forward to seeing you in Quebec City, answering your questions and sharing our innovation journey with you,” Strang says. Visit www.delaval.com to learn more about DeLaval milking solutions.
*Data from Kiel University Study and pilot farms. Improvements listed are compared to previously-developed DeLaval clusters. Results may vary and are not guaranteed.
** As compared to previously-developed DeLaval clusters.