
VMS Batch Milking Webinar Series

DeLaval VMS Batch Milking Webinar Series

Register for all three sessions

DeLaval is hosting three webinar sessions to help educate the dairy industry about VMS Batch Milking, how it works, and its potential advantages. Guest speakers with batch milking experience will also share their thoughts on this exciting new system for milking cows.

Register for all three webinars today!

Webinar 1: Introduction to DeLaval VMS™ Batch Milking

Thursday, January 25th from 12 – 1:00 p.m. CST

This first session will cover why a farm might select VMS Batch Milking, how cows move in this style of facility, and how the labor on the farm adjusts their tasks as well.

Register here

Webinar 2: Experience with VMS™ Batch Milking featuring Rancho Pepper Dairy in Texas

Thursday, February 22 from 12 – 1:00 p.m. CST

In this second session, Dr. Juan Velez, Chief Agricultural Officer with Aurora Organic Dairy, which operates Rancho Pepper Dairy in Texas, will share their experience as the first VMS Batch Milking facility in the USA. He will give us his thoughts on why they opted to install 22 VMS V300 units in a Batch Milking configuration at a new location and how the management of their cows and people changed.

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Webinar 3: VMS™ Batch Milking around the world with Robert Jensen, DeLaval Solution Specialist, AMS

Thursday, March 21 from 12 – 1:00 p.m. CST

With VMS Batch Milking gaining interest around the globe, we will have Robert Jensen from DeLaval with us in this third session to explain why some dairies are utilizing VMS Batch Milking. We will cover key topics like the design of these facilities, the management of the herd during milking times, and how data from the robot can optimize the management of the milking center.

Register here


About DeLaval VMS Batch Milking
DeLaval VMS Batch Milking is a new way of robotically milking larger groups of cows. The milking process is automated, but the routines commonly used in conventional milking operations can remain unchanged in VMS Batch Milking. These include tasks such as cleaning stalls while cows are milking, sorting cows to a designated area for herd management, and adhering to set milking times. VMS Batch Milking has been installed on about a dozen farms around the world, including Rancho Pepper Dairy in Texas milking with 22 DeLaval VMS V300 robots.

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