
DeLaval calf feeder CF1000S

DeLaval calf feeder CF1000S

Automatic calf feeders are an efficient and effective method to achieve intensive calf feeding. Automatic calf feeders, such as the DeLaval® CF1000S, offer the ability to manage and track the feeding program of each animal. Significant labor savings are also a potential benefit of the CF1000S.

  • Calves growing faster
  • Healthier calves
  • Control over feeding cost and calf feeding operation
  • Lower mortality and morbidity rates
  • Earlier reproduction

Key benefits

Rear healthy

calves in less time and less work.

Maximize calf growth

through individual feeding.

Improves social development

of the calf – natural behavior.

CalfApp and CalfCloud

CalfApp and CalfCloud allow to keep control through internet over your calf rearing program and calf feeder well-functioning.

MaxGro Inc.

Farm location

Turlock, California

Herd size


"DeLaval calf feeders are more consistent than people."

Located in California's central valley, MaxGro Inc., is owned and managed by Eldred Pires, Joseph Borba and Johnny Machado. The 5,500-head milking herd stems from three different farms owned by MaxGro owners. Pires cows are milked in a DeLaval rotary and Machado milks in a DeLaval double-20 parallel parlor, both built in 2007. Ten years later, Pires, Borba and Machado launched MaxGro Heifer Facility in Modesto, California, located a few miles from the dairies. The calves at MaxGro are fed via one of 16 CF1000S DeLaval automated calf feeders and are housed in a cross-ventilated barn.

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