DeLaval Plus

Order Form

Please complete the form below to activate your DeLaval Plus service(s). Be aware that some services may require specific DeLaval hardware or updated software versions, so please discuss this with your DeLaval sales representative to ensure you order the right DeLaval Plus services for your farm.

Your Details

Your Selection

Please select the DeLaval Plus license(s) you would like to activate. These services are provided by DeLaval Digital Services AB. Please note that they are available only to DeLaval customers.

Some systems may require hardware and/or software changes, which are not included in any of the below licenses. Your DeLaval Plus service is active in the DeLaval Plus platform after technical installation and commissioning by your DeLaval representative.

The prices set out below are excluding applicable VAT/ sales tax.

Your DeLaval Plus Service is active once available in DeLaval Plus (after technical installation and commissioning by your DeLaval representative). From activation of a DeLaval Plus Service license, unless otherwise specified, subscriptions continue for 12 months and will be automatically renewed (and invoiced) for consecutive 12 month periods (at the prevailing fees) unless terminated no later than 1 month prior to the renewal date.

DeLaval Plus Introduction Offer

This introduction offer includes services that will be delivered digitally to your farm, accessible on-line. Including DeLaval Plus Management, Analyses and Predictions.

This 12-month subscription includes:

  • DeLaval Plus Analyses
  • DeLaval Plus Predictions
  • DeLaval Plus Management

This intro offer includes the above-mentioned services as one price for the first 12 months and depending on the number of milking cows in your herd.

Prices in Canadian Dollars (CAD) before taxes:

  • Less than or equal to 80 cows: $500
  • Between 81 and 160 cows: $670
  • Between 161 and 320 cows: $1000
  • Between 321 and less than 1300 cows: $1200

Sync, a DeLaval Plus application

Easily synchronize DelPro FarmManager data with DairyTrace (SimpliTRACE in Quebec), the national dairy cattle traceability program administered by Lactanet Canada.

This is a 12 months subscription that you can add to your DeLaval Plus services.

Vacuum Monitoring for DeLaval Flow-Adjusted Vacuum

DeLaval Plus provides Vacuum Monitoring that is included when you purchase DeLaval Flow-Adjusted Vacuum for your milking system. It connects to the DeLaval’s cloud-based service, DeLaval Plus, processes that data and delivers these functionalities:

  • Alerts when the measured vacuum levels on your milking system and milking points deviate from expectations.
  • The service will allow your DeLaval dealer to remotely monitor the status of the Vacuum Monitoring sensors and vacuum levels.

This service is included with your purchase of the DeLaval Flow-Adjusted Vacuum system on your parlor or rotary and available once the system is functional on your farm. After the first year, your DeLaval Plus service will automatically renew every 12 months at no cost to you.

DeLaval Plus Behaviour Analysis

To receive the functionalities of the DeLaval Plus Behaviour Analysis system, you must activate the DeLaval Plus service. This service will connect your farm’s data from DelPro FarmManager and the Behaviour Analysis system to DeLaval’s cloud-based service, DeLaval Plus. Our proprietary behavioural models will then process that data and deliver the below functionalities:

BA200 system

  • Heat probability
  • Rumination behaviour (% of the day ruminating)
  • Eating behaviour (% of the day eating)

BA300 system, includes the same as BA200, plus:

  • Cows’ location
  • Cows’ time in zones calculations

The delivery of the described services requires the purchase and fully functional Behaviour Analysis system hardware, configured as BA200 or BA300 at the farm. This includes the computing and network equipment, cow tags (BAT1), the latest version of DelPro FarmManager with updated cow data, and reliable internet service according to the DeLaval specifications based on the number of cows at the farm.

After the first year, your DeLaval Plus service will automatically renew every 12 months at no cost to you.

Edge Server - ICA1

To utilize the DeLaval Plus Services, an internet connection is necessary. Following this, the addition of an edge server (ICA1) to your connected farm is required, which we will provide at no cost to you (reference DeLaval Retail Price $1470). Once the edge server is installed, your farm becomes connected to the cloud and to DeepBlue.

In case you already have an ICA1 in your farm from a previously ordered DeLaval Plus service (as example, if you already have Behavior Analysis or Flow Responsive Milking), then you don’t need to order an additional ICA1, as only one device is required per farm.

Farm sites

Use the fields below if your farm site has a different address than the main address above, or when you have multiple farm sites. If the details are the same, please skip to the Submit Form button.

Your order of service(s) is subject to General Terms of Service and Supply of DeLaval Inc. available for download and printing at

The DeLaval Plus services are provided by DeLaval Digital Services AB subject to the DeLaval Software and Online Service Terms of Use available for download and printing at

DeLaval may collect, use and further process your data and disclose the data for use and further processing by DeLaval International AB and any other entity in the DeLaval Group, as further described in the DeLaval End Customer Data and Privacy Statement available for download and printing at

By submitting this order You agree on ordering the above stated service(s). DeLaval may accept and confirm the order to the email address indicated above within 14 days.

By submitting this order You agree that the service(s) are not warranted or guaranteed except as described in the terms and conditions set forth at, and that your actual performance will depend on a number of factors, including milking practices, type of cows, farm and herd maintenance practices. You further agree that the service(s) are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, consultation, or treatment. Only a professional veterinarian can diagnose a medical condition.

DeLaval Inc.

11100 N Congress Ave

Kansas City, MO 64153

Tel: +1 (816) 891 7700


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